Special Valentine's Day Episode/ Shameless Bowie Plug

>> Monday, February 14, 2011

Hi there, Venturoos! Or, should we say... our Venture Valentines! We hope your day has been filled with murderflies, moppets, and your own personal Drs. Mrs. / The Monarch doting on you... malevolently? 

Anywho, our dearest Valentine's Day wish is that you will take a minute or two to visit The Venture Bros. Blog's website and sign the get-Bowie-on-the-Venture-Brothers petition of doom*! Visit http://bit.ly/eN9j9I to sign and become a part of Venture history!

Please help us get the word out by forwarding the link to your friends, frenemies, family members, arch rivals, exes, and those kids from high school that loved David Bowie with a spandex-y passion. Become a platinum member by sharing the petition on your Facebook and/or Twitter or by making your own YouTube video to support the cause. Thank you!

*Not actually made of doom. Although, possible side affects include euphoria, increased nerdiness, and mild itching.


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